Saturday, March 31, 2007

24-25 March ... SIB Kg Anam, Nabawan

The aim of our interior mission is to encourage and strengthen the interior for Jesus Christ against the forces of false religion and ungodly post modernisation. We believe the only way to do this is through the preaching of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and from the teaching of His Word..Such mandate is very clear for us to carry out for it is written "Wake up!Strengthen what remains and is about to die.."(Revelation 3:2). We have no option but to obey. Dont we? So on 24-25 March we went to SIB Kg Anam at Nabawan....

I know, no video clips right? I am working on it...hehehehe

Pray for the churches at Nabawan. Pray for the gift of discernment for the leaders at SIB Nabawan so that they may know what is of God and what is not so that they will be able to minister accordingly...

I can see that the interior SIB as a whole is quite lacking in the teaching of God's Word. This need to be addressed at the pastors' and leadership levels. If we let our feelings to be our guide, believing them to be "His voice" at the expense of a good grasp of His written Word, then we are like a ship with a broken compass...

That is why we brought along copies of Pedoman Harian (BM version of Our Daily Bread) to give to the youth at Nabawan. Special thanks to RBC for those books. Pray that the youth will be greatly strengthened and encouraged by the Lord through the book. ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I can see that the interior SIB as a whole is quite lacking in the teaching of God's Word. This need to be addressed at the pastors' and leadership levels."

Are you saying that the local shepherds are poorly equipped to teach the Word? Or they are not doing their duties well? To solve a problem, tackle from the root.